Word on the street is that slow fashion – commonly known as sustainable fashion – translates to dressing in your ‘not so cool’ grandmothers knitwear whenever she’s around just to see that sweet smile on her face when she lays eyes on you! This may have been the case back in the 90’s but we’ve definitely come a long way since then.


It is widely speculated that the fashion industry is one of the worst culprits when it comes to environmental and social transgressions. Besides real global issues such as climate change that have been traced back to the fashion industry, some critics have gone as far as to say that it is the second largest polluter – behind only the oil industry – in the world. All this is before even touching on the harsh reality of human exploitation that takes place and can be likened to modern slavery.


Evidently, the clothing trade has come under fire in recent times and this has given rise to the conscious consumer and slow fashion movement. It is certainly not our intention to vilify any person whose wardrobe includes garments that don’t fall under the slow fashion characterisation. We’re simply here to remind people that ethical clothing does not equate to brands compromising on style nowadays! It is easier than ever to shop around for eco-friendly pieces that will maintain your elegant look, while minimalizing the negative effects on our environment and people – what a time to be alive!


Below are a few key words that can help you to quickly identify the ethical standards of any slow fashion products you may interested in buying (this is not an exhaustive list):


·      Fairly made

·      Carbon Reduced

·      Chemical Free

·      Energy Conscious

·      Vegan

·      Handmade

·      Organic

·      Recycled

·      Sustainable


Before heading off to splurge on your brand new eco-fashion wardrobe try and remember to ask yourself (whether the apple of your eye includes the slow fashion mark or not):


“How long is each item I purchase going to last or how many times can I wear it before it reaches the end of its natural life cycle?”


Most of us have at one time or another purchased a new inexpensive top for a night out, only for it to fall by the wayside and become unwearable after a couple of rounds in the washing machine. Of course no harm is meant with these seemingly insignificant decisions – we’ve all fallen victim to this after all – but with a little more awareness of what’s at play in the big picture we can increase the momentum of the slow fashion crusade.


Start by making a mental note of the journey that a fashion item takes, beginning at its initial design process up until the recycling stage when it has run its full course. Each part of that process has an impact that needs to be taken into account to determine sustainability. When all else fails donate any excess clothing to charity shops. This overlooked deed goes a long way, doing society and the environment a world of good.

While consumers do have the final say, slow fashion begins with us – the retailers. We need to take a long, hard look at ourselves and our values and consider what impact our products are having on the planet we inhabit. Here at Wear Panda, we’re doing exactly that! The mission is to produce  high quality, natural bamboo products that have minimal impact on the environment and also last. Our entire range comes with a lifetime warranty stamp that re-emphasizes our commitment to providing premium sustainable fashion accessories, that people love to wear. In our recent collaboration with K&K Labs we showcased what is possible when style and slow fashion unite!